Prevent Thanksgiving Food Waste with Labels for To-Go Boxes

Thanksgiving Labels

Thanksgiving is a celebration of abundance. But it’s easy to get so excited about appreciating our bounty that we wind up wasting food. Given that 160 billion pounds of food already go uneaten each year in the U.S., that’s not a luxury we can afford. Thankfully, paper packaging, including leftover labels and to-go boxes, can be a part of the solution.

Download our food labels for to-go boxes now!
View Templates to Print

Start by downloading and printing our food labels. Then cut out the labels and write in your Thanksgiving guest’s name and “packed-on date.” Use washi tape to affix the leftover labels on to-go boxes and other paper food containers—and watch true abundance flourish.

Note: Be sure to have all leftovers refrigerated within two hours.

If you're looking for more holiday activities, take a look at these printables to help celebrate all year long.
