Lifestyle expert, crafting guru, mother of two and self-proclaimed papertarian Veena Goel Crownholm wants her followers to know that it really is the little things that count when doing what is best for you—and the planet. It was easy for Veena to pledge to be a papertarian—as she was naturally practicing this mindset in her daily life. From creating custom holiday décor with recycled paper to opting to always pack school lunches with brown paper bags—this easy-to-adopt lifestyle was making her, and Mother Earth, feel good.
Not to mention Veena was feeling like an everyday sustainable superhero after learning the facts and environmental benefits of going papertarian. Choosing paper incentivizes private forest landowners in the U.S. to keep doing what they are doing: sustainably managing their forests rather than converting their land to nonforest purposes such as agriculture and urban development. As an avid tree lover, Veena learned how paper producers work with these private forest owners to continually source, plant and grow trees that results in the overall growth of our forests here in the U.S.—nearly double the amount as is harvested each year. And these forests provide many environmental benefits like pulling carbon from the atmosphere, cleaning the air and the water that flows through them, and providing diverse habitats for wildlife. Talk about turning the page for good!
In addition to more trees, knowing that products are made from renewable and sustainably grown resources reminds her every day to make better choices by opting for paper in any situation.
So, in honor of Earth Day, Veena invites Us all to join the papertarian movement with three simple actions you can start adopting today. Whether you are picking up a magazine (like right now!) or shopping for bath and beauty products made in paper containers, know that what is good for the planet is good for you and your family too.
It’s As Easy As 1, 2, 3 To Be A Superhero — AKA Papertarian!

Shopping {Responsibly} Is Self-Care
Always make a grocery list before shopping and add a note reminding yourself to snag paper packaged products. (Bonus points if your shopping list is on paper!) You can find almost anything—from a carton of eggs to beauty products that come in paper packaging. It’s so easy to recycle these when you are done.

Enjoy Some R&R: Rest And Recycle
Did you know that paper and paper-based packaging can be recycled and repurposed up to seven times? Make the recycling habit in your house even easier with a paper recycling bin
in every room. And always make sure you break down your cardboard boxes correctly—empty them completely and then flatten before placing them in the bin. Yes, it is really that simple!
Spread The Word
Encourage friends and family to join the papertarian movement—spread the word and be a part of the change!