The holidays are the perfect time to start living the papertarian life. Join the movement and get a head start on new habits that help you play an active role in building a sustainable future. By making the smart choice to use paper, cardboard, and paper-based materials—and recycling them the right way—you can help ensure a healthy future for our planet.
Papertarians know that receiving a traditional paper card in the mail is a much more personal way to send your holiday greetings than a digital message. It’s also a great way to ensure that your message won’t get lost in an overflowing inbox or end up in a spam folder. And you can create a clever display with the cards you receive for pretty and personalized holiday decor!

Setting a Sustainable Table:
Skip the good china for dinner and save yourself valuable time cleaning up by using decorative paper plates and napkins. Create a festive centerpiece using wrapping paper and milk cartons. Remember, these come from a renewable resource, and when you use paper, you help grow forests in the U.S.
Envelopes, Please:
Elevate your gatherings with family and friends by sending your guests personal invitations with all the details.
TIP: Wrap large cardboard boxes with colorful wrapping paper for festive recycling bins and place around your entertaining space so your guests can pitch in (and out) throughout the festivities.
Baking Best Practices:
Papertarians know that everyday decisions have a big impact on the environment. Use parchment paper to line cookie sheets for stick-free sweets. Choose baking products (like milk, eggs, butter, etc.) in paper packaging.
88% of Americans who frequently recycle say they are doing their part to save the planet

88% of Americans who frequently recycle say they are doing their part to save the planet

Wrap it Up:
Package your presents in recyclable wrapping paper and bags that are free of glitter, foil, and embellishments.
Better Boxing:
Cushion gifts with festive paper filler like colorful shreds or tissue paper. if you’re mailing a gift, remember to reuse the original shipping box (after gift wrapping the contents) and protect fragile items with corrugated bubble wrap.
Paper-Based Presents:
Coloring books, journals, and puzzles are not only made from sustainable resources, they’re also recyclable!
Recycle Right
It’s likely that you do more shopping online during the holidays than any other time of year. More online shopping means more boxes…and it can also mean more opportunities to practice habits that help.
Here’s how to recycle responsibly:

Empty packaging and boxes, removing all excess paper, products, and other materials.

Flatten boxes by breaking them down at every corner.

Recycle cardboard and paper materials according to your local guidelines.
Learn more Sustainable Tips for the Holidays at www.howlifeunfolds.com/holidayguide